Tails of the World: 2024 Edition
The Tails of the World: 2024 Edition Book is now available!
7x10” 492 pages book, available in hardcover/softcover
Tails of the World™ is a collaborative project from pet photographers all around the globe. We are united in our mission to make a difference for animals in need.
2024 was our biggest year yet, raising over $75k, with 855 dogs, 80 photographers and 16 countries.
All proceeds from the sale of the Tails of the World books will go directly to Geelong Animal Welfare Society.
Order your copy today!

More than 16 countries represented
Professional photographers from more than 16 different countries participated. Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Columbia, Dominican Republic, England, France, Germany, India, Spain, Switzerland, South Africa, and many states from the USA all have their own unique scenery presented.
Excellent Construction
Every book is sturdily crafted to last through many viewings.

Thoughtful Images
Check out the 11 dogs Thoughtful Images photographed for the book! Summertime light and color highlight the beauty of our own Lake County, Ohio.
Beautiful interior pages
Beautiful interior images highlight each region's dramatic, happy, or otherwise unique looks.
Good for your heart
Display your copy prominently to show your loyalty to dogs and animals charities in general. Did you know that just looking at dogs can improve your well being? Any time you need to chill, just flip open your copy and relax with the happy pups in gorgeous locations.
The words say it all
For us animal lovers, this statement is proven over and over again every day. Our own pets make us happier, and just looking at others can boost our well being.